Governance » Committees



Development Committee (formally the Fundraising Committee)

Board sponsor: Nicole Stoddard

Meeting Schedule: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7-8pm.
The Fundraising Committee raises money to fill a gap in school operations funding and sustain essential school programs through a variety of annual events and year-long consumer incentive programs. These events include the annual Wolf Walk, Original Art, and Auction. Consumer incentive programs are opportunities to support our school without cash investment including BottleDrop, Fred Meyer Rewards, Amazon Smile, and BoxTops. 
  • Implement annual fundraising events and develop new opportunities for fundraising to support the school

Finance & Budget Oversight Committee

Board sponsor: Christa Billings

Meeting Schedule: TBD
The Finance committee meets monthly or as needed to review school financials, including balance sheet, trending, profit and losses, review budget vs expenses, develop the school budget, review bank statements, review checks and deposits. Discuss financial issues or challenges. Keep the City View Board aware of financial issues when they arise. Present to the Board the financial Report. Also, will monitor expenses and raise questions if expenses exceed the budget or projected revenues. And, review the Auditors Report
  • Develop CVCS budget in accordance with state of OR budget laws, HSD budget guidelines, and CVCS policies.
  • Provides oversight for budget adherence and budget planning for CVCS.
  • Communicate financial decisions and changes to the board and CVCS parents.
  • Share budget highlights with the CVCS parents in May of each year.

Community Leadership Committee

Board sponsor:  Brooke Ryles

Meeting Schedule: TBD 
The Community Leadership Committee recruits parent and community volunteers to support key volunteer tasks that advance strategic City View initiatives, to serve on Board Committees or Staff/Board Committees, and manages the vetting process for qualified candidates for the Board of Directors. 
  • Develop committee’s new activities
  • Identify volunteer leadership opportunities & recruit qualified volunteers 
  • Develop tracking tools for opportunities and volunteer management
  • Support community outreach efforts
  • Assess Board of Directors’ gaps in capacity, skills and knowledge and recruit members to fill gaps
*The Community Leadership Committee was created from the former Nomination Committee to build additional pathways for leadership at City View Charter School in addition to Board Membership. 

Governance and Ethics Committee

Board Sponsor: Sarah Badawi

Meeting Schedule: TBD 

The Governance and Ethics Committee ensures compliance with policies, laws, and ethical standards, promoting transparency and accountability. It reviews and develops governance policies, monitors adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, and fosters an ethical culture within the school community. This committee provides guidance to uphold the integrity of decision-making processes and supports the school's mission and values.
  • Board Policies and Procedures: Drafting, reviewing, and updating governance policies, bylaws, and procedures to ensure compliance with best practices and legal standards.
  • Code of Ethics: Developing, reviewing, and recommending a code of ethics for board members and ensuring its implementation.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring the board and institution comply with relevant laws, regulations, and accreditation standards.
  • Institutional Alignment: Ensuring the board’s actions align with the school’s mission, vision, and values.
  • Stakeholder Trust: Promoting transparency and trust among stakeholders (students, parents, faculty, staff, and donors).
For specific meeting details, see Board Calendar