Program » Family Involvement

Family Involvement

We believe that strong family involvement is key to the health of the school and positively impacts each student's growth and learning. We believe that an invested family correlates with an invested student. Additionally, we strive to create a school culture that is welcoming, diverse, and responsive to a wide range of students and families in our K-8 program.
Parent involvement has a strong, direct impact on student achievement. One of City View’s strengths is our sense of community and our connection with each family. Parent volunteers are paramount to the success of our program and can be found in every classroom on a daily basis. These parent connections are important to our sense of each student’s experience and in understanding each learner’s cultural context in their home life. 
It is important that families form a strong partnership with staff to work together to support student achievement. City View encourages 20 hours of family service and engagement to support their children in learning at home and school, while also being involved in the development of the school.
We ask all families to attend Back to School Nights, conferences, Celebrations on Learning, and fully support our passage process and fieldwork program. Parents/guardians can volunteer in many ways – in the classroom, on fieldwork, being a board member, a reading volunteer, attending family events, or supporting the school during non-business hours.